🌱Burrowing (Staking) FAQ

What is burrowing?

Burrowing is the GGMC term for NFT staking, which allows your gophers to be eligible for potential rewards, following the gamification of the Minepaper.

Is burrowing non-custodial?

Yes, you keep your burrowed gophers in your wallet.

Can I trade other assets in my wallet while gophers are burrowed?

Yes, non-GGMC assets can be freely traded without any impact on your burrowed gophers.

If I list a gopher and it does not sell, do I lose my days burrowed?

Yes, anytime a gopher leaves your staking address for any reason, including listing on an exchange, the gopher automatically becomes unburrowed, and the days burrowed reset.

Does using Levvy unburrow (unstake) my gopher?

Yes, gophers on Levvy are currently custodial, so using it will unburrow your gopher. However, the Levvy team is soon upgrading the platform to be non-custodial.

Is there any cooldown on burrowing?

Yes, there is a two-week grace period each quarter. So, if you are burrowed for at least 10 weeks each quarter, you will be counted as having the maximum staked period.

Can I choose to unburrow (unstake) my gopher?

No, there is no reason to. Gophers like being burrowed 😉

Does burrowing earn me reputation?

This feature is coming soon. Most assets will earn reputation from staking, but certain sneaky scoundrels may lose it.

Can I burrow if my gophers are on a hardware wallet?

Yes, you can simply verify your wallet by sending a small amount of ADA to yourself.

Can I burrow on mobile?

No, the platform is currently only available on PC.

How does the burrowing mechanism work for gophers that have burrowed for different amounts of time?

Burrowing rewards are calculated on a per-day basis, so the more days you were burrowed per quarter, the more potential rewards you can earn. There is a two-week grace period to still get the maximum rewards if you missed up to 14 days of burrowing.

Which wallets can we burrow with?

All modern Cardano wallets are supported, they just need to be able to sign transactions. Can thieves steal if they're not burrowed very long? No, thief stealing and oracle predicting is only available when the gopher is burrowed for at least 2 months in the quarter. Can oracles unburrow if they think they won't win? We pickup late malicious unburrowing so it will not have an impact on the winners. If you have further questions, please contact us on Discord!

Last updated