
An explanation of the religion gamification system and its impact on GGMC and Tribes.

With the discovery of the Lost Isles, the Kingdom has helped the natives end their endless war. Now, the rich culture and religion of each tribe will spread to Goof Kingdom every quarter.

How Does Religion Spread?

  • At the start of the quarter, each tribe's religion will begin in one town in Goof Kingdom.

  • Each day, religions will spread randomly to neighbouring towns.

  • If multiple religions attempt to spread to the same town, or if a religion tries to spread to a town where another religion is already present, a contest will take place.

Contests ๐Ÿ’ช

Contests between religions for a town are influenced by several factors:

  • The number of neighbours to the contested town that already follow each contesting religion.

  • The coin performance (last 24 hours) of each contesting religion's boon.

  • The Tribes secondary volume (last 24 hours) of each contesting religion's tribe.

  • The secondary volume (last 24 hours) of Kingdom Gophers in towns that the contesting religions already occupy.

Winning Religion ๐Ÿ‘‘

At the end of the quarter, the tribe with the largest religion spread will win.

This will result in:

  • The winning tribe getting a 30% boost to potential rewards.

  • Merchants and Royals (Kingdom Gophers) in towns with the winning religion gaining 20% of potential Tribes secondary royalties in that quarter.

  • Kingdom Gophers in towns with the winning religion enjoying a 30% boost on potential rewards from the GGMC split of net Tribes mining.


Each tribe has seven Shamans. Shamans have the unique ability to change their religion! This can only be done once per grace period, and if not performed will default to the religion in its metadata.

This can be done in your account page at https://app.ggmc.io/

The Map ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ

We encourage you to view the dynamic spread of religion at https://app.ggmc.io

Here's how to use it:

  • Connect your wallet with gophers in and head to the 'Map of Goof' tab.

  • You can pan around by holding and dragging, and zoom with your mouse wheel or touchpad.

  • You can toggle 'show borders' to show the borders around each town, and 'show religion' to see an overlay of religion over each town (colour coded).

  • Hover over a town and click to see some details about it such as its resident count and reigning royal.

  • Religion will update at 12pm UTC each day, and the map will reflect this.

  • Towns with a red border show that a religion is currently spreading there. If two or more are spreading there, they will compete and you can influence the outcome! See contests above.

Last updated