⚔️Tribal Lore

The story of the Tribes of the Lost Isles

Life Persists

During the Ancient Armageddon, it was thought that the only gophers to survive were the ones who burrowed deep, deep underground, further than life had ever gone before. This then sparked Aldricus’ discovery of Gopherite, the ‘Gemstone of sentience’ known to give gophers intelligence, intrigue, emotion, and powerful mystical abilities. Under the strength of Aldricus’ leadership, a magnificent mining Kingdom was built, prospering through the ages.

However, as the gophers would soon find out, they were not the only ones to discover the wonders of Gopherite.

During the Ancient Armageddon, a small group of gophers on a far, far away island had the same compulsion that came over Aldricus. They dug down as far as they could without stopping. They too did this day in, day out, until they could dig no more. Just when they had accepted their fate, they came into contact with the small black and purple gemstone that would alter their lives forever. Upon touching it, each of the four gophers in the group had a visceral pulse pass through them, giving them the power of thought, reason, and profound feeling. This Gopherite was somehow different to the Gopherite Aldricus had discovered in the far off Kingdom. This variant of Gopherite was more spiritual, triggering unique revelations in each of the four gophers it touched. One beheld naught but darkness, a titan sculpted from shadows. Another found themselves submerged in boundless oceans, waves of immense power surging within. The other pair gazed upon the grandeur of the sun, observing its radiance without being blinded. One perceived the sun as a beacon of life and growth, while the other discerned its devastating potential. Despite these disparate visions, the four gophers bonded deeply, united by the enigmatic powers of Gopherite. Much like Aldricus, they aspired to foster a new civilization of enlightened gophers. They bestowed upon each other names—Rogar, Crushing Ocean, Teresa, and Hollow—marking the genesis of a new era.

However, they lacked the vision and unity that Aldricus inspired. With the expansion of their world through Gopherite, divisions festered, especially between Rogar, who sought to harness Gopherite's fiery destructiveness, and Teresa, who yearned to blanket the whole island with lush forests and verdant growth. Disagreements fragmented their vision for the future.

Tensions soared to such fervour that the original Gopherite, their beacon of unity, shattered in the heat of their conflict. Gopherite was a sacred resource, borne from the horrors of the ancient armageddon in the old world. Never intending to be smashed, it concealed itself, vanishing from The Lost Isles as long as division endured. Each chief took a fragment of the shattered Gopherite - one piece red as roaring flames, another green as a fresh spring leaf, one black as the depths of shadows, and the last one clear ocean blue. The Gopherite longed to be unified.

What was once kinship and harmony soured into animosity. To avert further discord, they agreed to part ways: Crushing Ocean claimed dominion over the vast Oceans, Rogar seized The Embering Cascades amid volcanic peaks, Teresa claimed the luscious green lands, and Hollow retreated into the shadows, forever concealed. Other gophers followed their chosen leaders, birthing four distinct tribes. For a time, they coexisted in an uneasy peace…

Post 'The Shattering'

Divided, the four leaders abandoned their pursuit of Gopherite, which had vanished from the Isles. No mining operation arose, no grand civilizations flourished. The tribes of gophers were a fraction of the magnificence of the Kingdom of Goof, with numbers in the hundreds rather than the thousands.

Over time, each tribe crafted unique cultures and rituals, worshipping the spirits that had first stirred during the Chiefs Gopherite discovery. Tensions burgeoned, particularly between the Botanist Tribe and Pyro Tribe, both fervent in their worship of the Sun Spirit but with divergent ideologies.

This schism culminated in a cataclysmic clash between the two tribes. The Trench Tribe aligned with the Botanists, appalled by the Pyros' belligerence and penchant for ruin. Meanwhile, Hollow and their followers remained in the deep abyss, oblivious to the conflict, estranged from the world above.

War raged on and on. The once serene land now bore witness to colossal fires, merciless tornadoes, and sinister flora that pervaded the Lost Isles. Chaos reigned supreme, ensnaring a land that had once radiated beauty in an unending turmoil.

The Last Hope

In a quiet respite amid the chaos, a stirring arose within a young shaman from the Trench Tribe. Weary of the ceaseless conflict, he swam farther than any gopher had dared into the unknown deep oceans. Terrified, but relentless he kept going. The distant outline of a landmass teased his eyes, a mirage perhaps, conjured by exhaustion. He channelled the last ounce of his strength to conjure a current due east, bearing a plea for peace in a bottle across the waves. His spell expended, the valiant shaman, Glistening Conch, succumbed to the embrace of the boundless sea. Before his departure, he left a note for his kin, a testament to his noble act that would echo through time and be commemorated annually on 'Saint Conching Day.' It would take one thousand epochs, but Glistening Conch’s selfless deed would not be in vain. The bottle found its way to the far off shores of the Goof Kingdom, to be found by the unassuming apprentice warrior Nathaniel Wright of Summeton, who was doing his morning training on the beach as he so desperately yearned to climb the ranks. Showing the discipline of a soldier, he delivered the message directly to Aldricus.

Stunned by this unexpected turn, Aldricus wrestled with uncertainty, a rare moment of indecision. The Oracles had foreseen the existence of distant gophers, but they were assumed unreachable with the practicalities of the day. Wandering the castle, his troubled thoughts lead him to a portrait of Juniper, his charming, witful son tragically lost due to Aldricus’ autocratic decisions in the past. With a tear streaming down his fur, he knew he had to share this important development, for the welfare of the Kingdom.

A council was summoned to the Juniper Room, where the note was discussed for hours and hours. No consensus emerged. The notion of gophers beyond Goof Kingdom overwhelmed many; fear, reluctance, and ambition clashed in debate. Yet gradually, the prevailing sentiment shifted toward aiding these distant kin.

Rumours spread quickly throughout the Kingdom. Many did not believe what they had heard, but curiosity was invoked, a hope that finally, they were not alone. Amidst the dim ambience of an Old Raven tavern, discontent brewed. Frustrated by the ineptitude of the wizards' futile attempts to open a portal to the Lost Isles, Luigi the Exporter took charge. A prominent merchant, he rallied support from wealthy associates to commission the construction of the Crested Serenity, the Kingdom's grandest ship. Crafted by the finest shipwrights, the Crested Serenity was ready to set sail within ten epochs. A large convoy of optimistic adventurers from all professions set sail, the allure of exploration had called, with no guarantees of a return trip. As ever, an opportunistic thief smuggled his way aboard. The Kingdom waited with bated breath, eager for the return of these valiant explorers and the tales they would bring.

A New Land

After ten weeks of rough sailing on the open ocean, an island in the distance gradually emerged into view. The excitement aboard the ship was palpable as their captain, Luigi the Exporter, directed them full speed ahead. The mysterious island unravelled before them, revealing a scene intertwined with mysticism they had never before witnessed. The Gopherite powering the ship started glowing bright red, then green, black, and blue. There were immense volcanoes with settlements nestled within the cascading lava falls, a sight that left them bewildered about life's resilience in such an environment. On the opposing side, a more recognizable sight emerged—a landscape adorned with lush green forests, meadows, and rice farms—but it bore the marks of conflict and devastation.

As the ship drew nearer, it was unexpectedly thrust 300 metres into the air by a powerful force emanating from the water. Suspended within a protective bubble, they were approached by blue-ish creatures resembling gophers but with streamlined features and large gills. Armed with tridents, these unfamiliar beings boarded the ship, uttering incomprehensible words in their native tongue, "arghabya tokingth bubblear fallertok!"

Fortunately, an Expert Wizard Upius Morgan had recently mastered a high-level linguistic spell, at last enabling communication between the two groups.

When the Trench Tribe recognized the peaceful intentions of the Kingdom gophers, all signs of hostility dissolved. The brave adventurers from the Goof Kingdom were welcomed with open gills! The gophers were invited to Tide’s Rest, the abode of the Trench Tribe. Chief Crushing Ocean used his Gopherite fragment to grant them all temporary gills. The two groups were very wary of each other, but curiosity overpowered any apprehension. Stories were shared, laughter echoed, and even the Botanists were invited to explore the depths to meet the new visitors. The Kingdom gophers immersed themselves in the tribes' culture, captivated by their reverence for nature and their way of life. They were privileged to converse with the Botanist Chief Teresa, a leader celebrated for her compassion and sagacity, dedicated to her community's well-being and the land they cherished. However, the jubilation was fleeting.

Soon, discussions veered to weightier matters. The elders of the Trench and Botanist tribes recounted how unrelenting war had plagued their lands for generations, inflicting immeasurable anguish and wrenching families apart. The conflict had first erupted with a devastating assault from the aggressive Pyro Tribe and had persisted due to their unyielding territorial ambitions. Their primary aim was the destruction of The Elder Tree, a symbol held sacred by the Botanists.

In a show of solidarity, the Trenchers pledged support and assistance to the Botanists with their ‘Waterlog Pact’. This alliance proved very mutually beneficial, the Trenchers were able to provide the Botanists with abundant water, nurturing their forests into towering, impenetrable bastions of life. The Botanists reciprocated by providing the Trenchers with many herbs and concoctions to aid in underwater life.

Utterly forlorn by these tales, the Kingdom gophers had every sympathy for all the gophers in this beautiful, yet war torn land.

Holding their judgments in abeyance until a complete understanding was gained, the ever-logical Luigi rallied the Kingdom Gophers to venture into The Embering Cascades, the domain of the Pyros. Anxiety pulsated with every step, their hearts heavy with the horrors they had heard.

The Land of Fire

The vista that greeted them was a stark contrast. True, everything lay ashen and charred, yet a strange allure emanated from The Embering Cascades. Settlements nestled within the volcanoes, stunning lava springs, and an unexpected abundance of life amidst such perilous surroundings were a wonder to behold. The Pyros were fiery and bold but possessed a certain charm. Some extended warm gestures to the Kingdom Gophers, sharing laughter and insights into their unique lifestyle.

Similar to the other tribes, many harboured weariness from ceaseless conflict, longing for resolution. The Trenchers ‘Waterlog Alliance’ had hurt them badly. The volcanoes were starting to stop producing lava, they needed water in the volcanoes to keep the steam and pressure. They did not know how much longer they could endure. However, their loyalty to Chief Rogar superseded all. There were murmurs and a real sense of sadness over a lost shaman, but they refused to say much. Paranoia thrived among some Pyros, spinning conspiracies of the Trenchers' intent to wash away their territory, instilling fear that fueled their fervent fight.

At last, the Kingdom gophers met with Chief Rogar, a ruler with an Ironfist that did not suffer fools. Despite this, the Chief welcomed his guests warmly, hosting a lavish feast, wanting to learn more about their visitors’ homeland.

The feast presented dishes perfectly cooked by Pyro standards, which, sadly for the adventurers, was burnt to a crisp. Graciously, the Kingdom Gophers partook, finding solace in the finest hot mead they had ever tasted, apparently brewed within the volcano itself. Amidst the cordiality, the peace they sought eluded them. When the conversation touched on the conflict, Rogar's emotions surged. He vehemently declared that he would NEVER yield, blaming the Botanists for robbing him of EVERYTHING before abruptly leaving the room. The abrupt shift in Rogar's demeanour left the room in stunned silence. Soon, the Chief's aide entered and divulged the truth. After the four Tribe leaders divided the land and went their separate ways, Rogar had a child—a daughter named Embriana. She was his pride and joy—curious, free-spirited, and ambitious. When exposed to Gopherite, she exhibited an extraordinary reaction, becoming the youngest shaman at just 13. She was the only one who could temper her father's fiery temperament.

Embriana harboured an insatiable curiosity about their mysterious neighbours, no more so than the day of the Botanist’s annual harvest festival. It was the day all the Botanists would bring their finest produce from the year. Competitions were held, along with vibrant dances and celebration. Forbidden from attending, she clandestinely observed the festivities from a distant forest. Embriana longed to be a part of that world ,but knew she never could. This year's harvest festival was more lively than ever, but would soon turn ominous.

A loud scream pierced the air, coming from deep in the forest. She was torn, she knew she was forbidden from these lands and should not get involved, but she had to help. She rushed to aid a young botanist ensnared in deadly thorns and vines. Without hesitation, she incinerated the vines, saving Kael, who expressed deep gratitude. In those fleeting moments, a forbidden connection sparked between them, and they saved the minutes they had together.

However, the flames began to spread uncontrollably, and Pyros were powerless to douse them. The ignited vines burgeoned into a forest fire, perilously close to the revered Elder Tree where the festival was underway. Outraged, the Botanists, already fraught with brewing tensions, believed it to be an unprovoked attack by the Pyros on their sacred day, pushing the Lost Isles to the brink of war.

Thankfully, a Trencher scout, witnessing the smoke from afar, conjured a wave to extinguish the fire before quickly departing to avoid involvement. While catastrophe was averted, the aftermath was grave. Most Botanists had witnessed their first forest fire on a day meant for celebration, further exacerbated by the presence of a trespassing Pyro.

Chief Teresa swiftly arrived to offer aid. Wise and empathetic, she listened attentively, promising to assuage her people's distress over the misunderstanding and personally escort Embriana home. She developed a fondness for the young girl, engaging in enlightening conversations during their journey. Teresa was thankful for Embriannas noble act to save Kael. However, she cautioned Embriana against seeing Kael again, foreseeing more harm than good.

Chief Ragnar's wrath toward his daughter was uncontainable. He knew how this would look, and how volatile relations with the Botanists already were. He berated her for forsaking the customs of her own tribe. He became increasingly protective and overbearing, becoming incredibly ferocious, like his old self.

Meanwhile, despite all odds, the romance between Embriana, a Chief's daughter, and Kael, a humble farmer, blossomed. Any chance they got to slip away they would, meeting near the borders. They were two young gophers deeply interested in the other's Tribe and customs. Their secret romance started to become whispers among the Tribes. Ragnar grew infuriated, his ferocity in full flow. He saw their Romance as a betrayal to everything he had tried to create, while Chief Teresa was also left torn, struggling to navigate the brewing storm. The pressure became unbearable for the young couple. Seeking solace from their tumultuous lives, they ventured together into Monkswood— enchanted with profound wild magic—a place where they hoped to find refuge and embrace the unknown, away from the lives they knew.


Ragnar was overwhelmed with emotion. His guilt deepened as he felt the chasm widen between him and his beloved Embriana. When his daughter didn't return for a month, he presumed the worst. Blaming Kael and the Botanist tribe, Chief Teresa tried explaining the enchantments of Monkswood, but he dismissed it. In a fit of rage and desperation, he shook the great volcano, triggering a violent eruption, causing much of the Isles to melt away.

This cataclysmic event confirmed the Botanists' suspicions from the Harvest Festival day—the Pyros were perceived as malevolent beings with intentions to annihilate the revered Elder Tree. War had begun.

Ragnar returned to the room. He offered an apology for his outburst, thanking his guests for their presence but resigned to the belief that there was nothing they could do. It was best for them to journey home safely. Heartbroken, the adventurers of the Crested Serenity departed for their ship. En route, a figure emerged from the shadows - it was none other than Glen the Shadow, a notorious thief from Goof Kingdom. Startled, the wizards readied their staffs, and the warriors poised their swords. In Goof Kingdom, capturing a thief was a maxim never to be ignored.

Luigi, the expedition leader intervened, urging them to lower their weapons, acknowledging they were far from home, and they had just witnessed the devastation division can cause. Open to hearing Glen's story, they gave Glen the chance to speak.

Glen confessed he had stowed away on their ship, melding into the shadows. Like them, he sought adventure in this enigmatic land. He had followed them all along, and was deeply moved by the strife plaguing the gophers of The Lost Isles. Convinced that if anyone could navigate Monkswood and survive, it was him. Glen pledged to venture alone into the forest. His mission—to unveil the cruel fate that befell the young couple.

Although the gophers of the Crested Serenity harboured doubts, they extended their wishes for his success and safe return. In this slender glimmer of hope lay the fate of the Lost Isles.


Glen ventured into Monkswood, encountering depths darker and deeper than anything he'd ever known. The trees seemed to taunt him at every turn, and a poisonous fog nearly overwhelmed him. Yet, with agility and prowess, he managed to navigate the forest's obstacles. After days of arduous searching, he stumbled upon a small pond, where the laughter of a child echoed. Approaching cautiously, he witnessed a rare sight—a Botanist and a Pyro together, blissfully unaware of the turmoil outside. Overwhelmed, Glen burst into tears, recounting the situation to them. Together, they hastened back to end the chaos.

Embrianna and Kael returned with their child, Ashfern, evoking boundless joy across the island. Setting aside their differences, the gophers celebrated their beloved's return. Embrianna and Kael's unwavering courage struck a chord with both tribes, exemplifying the strength found in unity. Ashfern became a beacon of hope.

Teresa and Rogar formed an unprecedented alliance, ending the conflict. In a symbolic gesture of reconciliation, Kael and Embrianna stood hand in hand at the border where the Tribes had clashed. With newfound unity, the tribes merged their strengths, sharing knowledge, resources, and traditions. Together, they cultivated a future where the once-raging animosity transformed into mutual respect and collaboration.

Ashfern turned out to be a very special child, she was the first gopher to harness both powers of the sun spirit, the destructive nature and also the power of growth. She was pivotal in the long term union of the tribes, helping them to find similarities instead of divisions.

The Crested Serenity made the return journey. Glen was celebrated as the hero he was, for it was a thief that altered the course of history. The entire Crested Serenity expedition were given a Royal welcome back to the Kingdom. Aldricus bowed to every member of the crew, deeply moved but all they had accomplished. They were knighted as protectors of Goof. Glen's tale became a timeless fable recounted to gopher children through generations, while Luigi assumed the role of Chief Advisor to Aldricus. The Kingdom established robust trade relations with the Lost Isles, sending ships back and forth every epoch. Numerous gophers from the Kingdom volunteered to aid in the Isles' reconstruction. Many were captivated by the Isles' customs, traditions, and beliefs, introducing some of these aspects to the Kingdom.

A robust bond formed between the two regions, marking the genesis of gopher tourism. Some from the tribes chose to leave the past behind, settling in the Goof Kingdom. Several Pyro Tribe members enrolled at the Gophoria Mages College to refine their control over flames. A tribe protection committee was formed to protect the bountiful nature of the Lost Isles, which was less plentiful in Goof Kingdom after the industrialization.

Some time after this historic union, Chief Hollow returned to the surface. Gophers of the island looked on in amazement, they had never seen a gopher like this. Whispers of a tribe deep underground were thought to be myths, the other Chiefs thought he had perished the day of the shattering. He was greeted with merriment by his old friends, after all these years.

Hollow could not stand the punishing light of the surface for long. He had come to deliver a message, Gopherite had returned to the depths of the Isles. He wished his friends well, and invited everyone to a summit deep below ground with the chiefs and elders from all tribes, as well as Aldricus, Luigi and the tribe protection committee.

The group agreed that the Kingdom would assist in establishing a small-scale mining operation on the island, to unlock the power of Gopherite for island inhabitants, while preserving all natural beauty of the island.

Collaboratively, the Kingdom and the Deep Dark Tribe embarked on an ambitious project to construct an expansive 3000 mile underground tunnel connecting the continents. It was something they could work on together, and who knows what they would uncover. Once completed, many from the Deep Dark Tribe resettled in the great mines of the Kingdom, marvelling at the industriousness they witnessed.

Both the Kingdom and the Lost Isles entered an era of growth and unity. The valour of the courageous gophers from the Crested Serenity would echo throughout history. Their deeds, benefiting not just the Kingdom but the entire realm, would endure as an unforgettable testament to their bravery and unity.

Last updated