📜Kingdom Trust FAQ

Where will the miners be hosted?

All Kingdom Trust miners will be hosted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). We have explored mining in many different regions across the globe. While there are many good options, the UAE is the most favourable for the long term in terms of regulation, power reliability, cooling technology, and general support for the cryptocurrency space.

The team spent over a month in the UAE in summer 2023 to build a great network of partners out there, who have helped us make Kingdom Trust a highly competitive service.

Who are your suppliers and farm?

This information is not something we can share, we are under mutual confidentiality agreements to protect ourselves and stay competitive, as well as the other parties.

Rest assured though, we have been in the industry a long time, and will only work with the best. We negotiate with the biggest global machine suppliers, and only work with farms we have personally visited and been impressed with.

What is the rate of electric?

We have secured hosting at 8c, though this is subject to change in line with market power rates.

Why not enter mining on my own?

You can do this, but you would likely forego scale and convenience. Rather than buying a couple of miners, we buy hundreds at a time, giving us a significant scale benefit. We also handle the entire process end to end, so it is an easy, hands off approach to mining for the holder.

Do you insure machines?

Our host takes responsibility for any hosting related fault, theft, and fire. The only thing not covered are natural disasters. If this is of interest, it is something we can explore.

How long after mint will miners be online?

It depends on the Bitmain batch schedule, but generally 4-6 weeks conservatively.

Do we get tracking of our miners?

Yes, you will get similar tracking to Kingdom Connect, as well as a client API to pull the data to your own platforms.

Are miners pooled?

Yes, this is another large benefit of Kingdom Trust. All our miners (of the same type) are pooled together, and potential rewards allocated. This means if one miner goes in for repair, one client doesn't have a huge impact.

Who owns the miners?

GGMC own the miners, but operate them on behalf of the NFT holders.

Can I sell miners?

Yes, we will do all we can do reasonably accomodate. Smaller sales of five or less machines are fairly simple, but for larger sales we will need plenty of notice. We have a certain allocation to fill and huge sales could impact other clients if not done carefully.

When can I market a Kingdom Trust partnership?

Only after a deposit has been paid. We hold a lot of value on our brand.

How much profit can I expect?

This cannot be estimated with any certainty. Mining rewards can fluctuate depending on network difficulty, efficiency of new miners coming out, Bitmain's supply of new and old miners, uptime, market conditions, and of course halvings. The latest estimate metrics can be found on asicminervalue, and GGMC will supply a miner fact sheet before each batch and our personal thoughts. Pricing on miners in general is very favourable in down markets if you believe crypto will be worth more in the future.

Do you offer an additional service for distribution mechanics?

This is currently proprietary GGMC technology, but if there is demand we may explore it.

What are the tax implications?

This is entirely dependent on your / your companies tax residency. It is critical to consult with a tax accountant, as we cannot provide tax advice.

What are rewards paid out in?

Preferably in the coins mined.

What do I pay with?


Which types of miners can I select?

Any ASIC available on the market, but the vast majority should be the latest model BTC miner.

Can I compound and purchase additional miners?

Yes, this can either be automatic, or you just let us know you want to join the next batch.

How often will there be new Kingdom Trust batches?

Quarterly. This gives us ample time to onboard the next wave of Kingdom Trust clients. Setting up each batch is a lot of administrative work so this timeline works well. It also allows us to build up enough demand. GGMC, existing Kingdom Trust clients wishing to compound, and new Kingdom Trust clients will all purchase miners in one large batch so everyone gets an even greater scale benefit!

What is the onboarding process?

Our onboarding process is very straightforward! Simply contact us at contact@ggmc.io and we can discuss your requirements and timelines. From there, to qualify for the next batch you must have signed out Terms and Conditions, and paid a small deposit. Then, closer to the batch deadline we will securely share a USDT address to make final payment. A test TX must be done first!

Can we lock in a price prior to the batch deadline?

Unfortunately price locking does not exist in the mining world. Miner prices fluctuate daily due to many market forces. We can provide estimates however - each batch we will provide a miner guide reflecting current metrics on the most up to date miners.

Last updated